• Question: What is your favorite thing and least favorite thing about your job?

    Asked by Shannagh O St.Dominics to Sufia, Sophie, Ian, Chung Han, Cat, Boris on 12 Jun 2018. This question was also asked by 968artn47, 738artn33, 742artn33, 797artn33, 555artn33, 975artn27.
    • Photo: Boris Mocialov

      Boris Mocialov answered on 12 Jun 2018:

      Most favourite thing is learning new things, least favourite thing is my boss

    • Photo: Sophie Louth

      Sophie Louth answered on 13 Jun 2018:

      My favourite thing is making new discoveries, my least favourite thing is probably some of the process and paperwork I have to do along the way. Science and engineering can be fun but they can also be boring and repetitive (luckily not too often).

    • Photo: Sufia Fatima

      Sufia Fatima answered on 13 Jun 2018:

      Favourite thing is doing experiments and investigating what ever i want. least favourite thing is working hrs, sometimes you get stuck at work for way to long.

    • Photo: Cat Macleod

      Cat Macleod answered on 16 Jun 2018:

      I enjoy getting to do lots of different things and being creative. My least favourite thing is being too busy and having to write lots of reports!

    • Photo: Ian

      Ian answered on 17 Jun 2018:

      Fav: My colleagues
      Least Fav: Answering emails – I get a lot of them
